Crusader kings 2 tribes
Crusader kings 2 tribes

Some basic facts are here, but in this guide I will try, once again, to tell you how to be a better tribal chieftain. I am happy to answer any questions in the comment section. I also own all DLCs, so if you miss any of the dlcs, and something from this guide does not work for you, it is probably because you are missing certain DLC. It works, but it won't be included in this guide. I won’t write here about North Korea mode, it is a style of play I don’t like and never played it. I decided it's time to update my very old guide, some things stayed the same, some completely changed, overall in my opinion tribals are even stronger than they were before. I still love tribals, they are very flexible, and allow us to play in many, many ways. Hello! Many things has changed with Holy Fury DLC and tribal government is one of these things.

Crusader kings 2 tribes